Saturday, November 25, 2017

10 Interesting Health Benefits of Red Wine

Red wine is made from grapes, and grapes are rich in several antioxidants. Some of these include catechins, resveratrol, epicatechin, and proanthocyanidins. Resveratrol, the antioxidant coming from grape skins, has anti-aging and heart-healthy benefits.

What is also important to consider is that studies have shown that saturated fat and cholesterol are not always so bad. When consumed in moderate amounts, they don’t cause any harm.

Fight Ageing Skin

Red wine is packed with antioxidants like flavonoid, resveratrol and tannin which help fight ageing by restoring collagen and elastic fibers. It gives a boost to sagging skin, reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Wine facial secret is perfect to rejuvenate the skin and get the glow you’ve always wanted. Mix with rosehip, strawberries, grapes and essential oils before applying to the face, and then massage for 10 minutes and wash with cold water.

Heart Health

The antioxidants in red wine can increase the levels of good cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein, or HDL). This prevents cholesterol build-up, preventing heart disease. The polyphenols in red wine, especially resveratrol, can protect the linings of the blood vessels in your heart. Resveratrol has been found to reduce blood clots.

Lowers Cholesterol Level

The red wine can also lower the levels of bad cholesterol. But according to the National Cholesterol Education Program, lowering the consumption of trans fat and getting exercise every day could be better ways of keeping your cholesterol levels in check.

Help to Fights Cancer

Research has shown that individuals who take at least a glass of red wine a week are less likely to suffer from bowel cancer than non-drinkers or drinkers of spirits or beers. Resveratrol also makes the cancer cells more sensitive by obstructing the proteins that otherwise inhibit chemotherapy treatment. And the concentration of resveratrol in red wine can be as high as 30 micrograms/ml.

Bone Strength

One or two glasses of wine can work as good as drugs to protect older women from thinning bones. Moderate alcohol intake postmenopause was found to maintain bone strength in the later years. More interestingly, the imbalance between the dissolving of the old bone and production of a new bone is what causes osteoporosis in older women – and alcohol, when consumed in moderation, remedies this imbalance. 

Control Blood Sugar Level

The skin of red grapes—a rich source of red wine's natural compound resveratrol—may actually help diabetics regulate their blood sugar, finds recent research published in the journal Nutrition. Researchers suspect that resveratrol may help stimulate insulin secretion or activate a protein that helps regulate glucose and insulin sensitivity.

Prevents Obesity

Research says that resveratrol in red wine can convert the bad fat into calorie-burning brown fat. And diets containing the antioxidant can help combat obesity. Resveratrol enhances the oxidation of dietary fats and prevents the body from getting overloaded. It converts white fat into brown fat that burns off as heat – thereby preventing obesity and metabolic dysfunction.

Certain wine brands, especially merlot and cabinet sauvignon, contain a fraction of resveratrol that is found in grapes. This is because most of the beneficial polyphenols are insoluble and filtered out during the winemaking process.

Prevents High Blood Pressure

Spanish researcher says that the alcohol in red wine weakens its ability to lower blood pressure. So, non-alcoholic red wine could be the way to go. Another way red wine can reduce blood pressure is by lowering stress. Stress can elevate your blood pressure levels, but a serving of red wine at night can help you relax. But keep in mind - moderation is key.

Reduces Stress

The compound of resveratrol in red wine stimulates a particular protein that activates certain genes that repair DNA, suppresses the tumour genes, and promotes longevity genes. A glass of red wine a day can help you stress less. The best way to achieve this is to have a glass of wine along with your dinner, and not right before sleep – this can have a calming effect on you without disturbing your sleep cycle.

Red Wine Benefits for Hair

Wash with red wine as a final rinse, after shampooing and conditioning your hair. Red wine also inhibits hair loss and reduces dandruff since it increases blood circulation in the scalp.

Note: Again, moderation is the key. And... we are not promoting alcohol here.

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