Friday, November 24, 2017

Vitamin D: How Important for our Body? and The Sources!

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that keeps the bones and teeth healthy. It also plays a major role in regulation and absorption of calcium in the body. Calcium strengthens the bones but is only useful in the presence of Vitamin D. The Vitamin acts on cells in the body and allows them to absorb calcium from the intestines.

Vitamin D has several important functions. It helps increase bone density and improves the body's resistance to certain diseases. It plays an important role in warding off chronic ailments like heart diseases and diabetes. And finally, it promotes cell growth and strengthens the immune system.
But there are quite a few natural sources that can help boost your Vitamin D levels.

A regular 20-30 minute stroll in the warm sun can provide you with plenty of vitamin D for the day. When the sun rays hit our skin, they stimulate the production of vitamin D in the body. The more  exposure to the sun, the more vitamin D production. To boost your vitamin D levels when in the sun, expose at least your face, arms, and hands, or an equivalent area of your body without any layer.

1. Milk

One glass of milk will provide 20% of your daily requirement of vitamin D. Skimming of milk removes vitamin D as it is a fat-soluble vitamin. So, always opt for whole fat milk. However, nowadays, skimmed milk is also fortified with vitamin D to ensure you don’t miss out on this important nutrient.

2. Mushrooms

Include mushrooms in your diet four times a week and watch your Vitamin D levels increases. Mushrooms can be cooked, baked or pan-fried and turned into a tasty and healthy delight. In order to reap more benefits, you can sun-dry them before consumption. Mushrooms can naturally produce Vitamin D when exposed to sunlight.

3. Cheese

Cheese can single-handedly provide more satisfaction than any other food and we're thrilled to give you another reason to enjoy it. Cheese is one of the best foods high in Vitamin D. Well, spreading an additional layer of cheese on that morning slice of toast may not be such a bad idea after all.

4. Fish

All kinds of fish are high in Vitamin D. Typically oily or fatty fish contain more Vitamin D than less oily fish. An example of oily fish would be a juicy thick fillet of salmon. Other common options are trout, sardine, herring and tuna fish.

5. Eggs

Vitamin D in an egg comes from its yolk, it's important to use the whole egg--not just the whites. So bid farewell to the egg white craze and indulge in the most nutritious part of the egg.

6. Soy Milk

Soy milk is a plant-based milk produced by soaking dry soybeans and grinding them with water. It contains the same amount of protein as regular cow's milk it boasts of high Vitamin D, Vitamin C and iron.

7. Butter

Butter is saturated fat, and it is essential to aid the absorption of antioxidants and vitamins by the body. It also assists in the absorption of vitamin D obtained from other sources. Always remember that quantity is the key. Don’t go overboard with butter. When consumed in moderation, it can actually be a healthy addition to your diet.

8. Cod Liver Oil

Cod liver oil has been a popular supplement for many years and is extremely rich in vitamin D, vitamin A, and omega-3 fatty acids. Consuming this oil regularly will promote healthy and strong bones, prevent osteoporosis in adults, and improve brain activity. Cod liver oil is also available in the capsule form, which is the best option for those who don’t like its strong aroma.

9. Orange Juice

A glass of fresh orange juice is the best way to start your day, the best vitamin D fruit. You can also consider packaged juices if fresh fruits are not available. Packaged orange juice is equipped with good amounts of vitamin D. One cup of orange juice contains 100 IU vitamin D and 120 calories.

10. Vanilla Yogurt

Having a cup of vanilla yogurt is the perfect option for those who do not want to go for any of the meaty treats. Yogurt is good for your taste buds as well as health. Each serving of vanilla yogurt is known to contain 115 IU of vitamin D.

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