Thursday, November 9, 2017

How to Improve Eyesight at home by these Natural Ways

The most common symptoms of weak eyesight are blurry vision, frequent headaches and watery eyes. Weak eyesight is most often associated with either nearsightedness (called myopia) or farsightedness (called hyperopia). Factors like genetics, poor nutrition, aging and excessive strain on the eyes usually contribute to these conditions.

At times, eye problems can be caused by serious issues like glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts and optic neuropathy. Be sure to consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Weak eyesight is usually corrected with prescription, glasses, lenses or even surgery.

Food to improve your eyesight


Almonds are also great for improving vision because of their rich omega-3 fatty acid, vitamin E and antioxidant content. They also help enhance memory and concentration.
  • Soak 5 to 10 almonds in water overnight.
  • The next morning, peel the skin and grind the almonds.
  • Consume this paste with a glass of warm milk.
  • Do this daily for at least a few months.

Vitamin A-rich foods

Include foods rich in vitamin A into your daily diet. Foods like carrots, green leafy vegetables, amla, oranges, fig (anjeer) and almonds are packed with this essential vitamin.

Carrot and Amla

Another good home remedy for eye related disorders is to have one cup of carrot and amla juice, on an empty stomach in the morning. Carrot and Amla have a lot of vitamin A and are storehouses of antioxidants that help beat the ill effects of oxidative stress in the body.

Copper-rich foods

The benefits of copper as a micronutrient are innumerable, but one of its greatest benefits is that it is a very potent antibacterial agent. Ayurvedic practitioners recommend drinking one liter of water, stored overnight in a copper vessel, lends innumerable healing properties to the eyes and other vital organs.


Eating spinach on a daily basis can prevent disorders like macular degeneration and cataract. Spinach also helps to keep the corneas healthy. Many people despise the way spinach tastes and smell. But you can surely get past the smell by adding a zing to spinach.
You can make a spinach soup or cook it with pulses. Sandwiches and lasagnas containing fresh spinach taste heavenly. To add a twist to spinach and include it in your diet for a sharper vision.


Broccoli is one of the super-foods with amazing health benefits. Including this food in your diet is another natural way to improve eyesight! Like spinach, broccoli too contains vitamin B, lutein, and zeaxanthin. These nutrients not only conserve vision but also help improve it.


Oily fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardine are packed with the healthy omega-3 fatty acids. These work as an antioxidant, protecting your eyes from damage caused by the free radicals in the body. The omega-3 fatty acids prevent dryness of the eyes that is generally caused by the use of contact lenses. Eat fish at least twice a week for a noticeable improvement in your vision within a few months.


Avocado is yet another veggie that contains lutein and beta-carotene. It is loaded with vitamin B, C, and E as well. It is photochemical that brings down your eyes’ sensitivity towards the light. This ultimately reduces the strain on the eyes and promotes healthy vision in the long run.


Berries are bursting with not only tangy flavours but also with the goodness of abundant antioxidants. They contain a component named rhodopsin, which accelerates cellular regeneration that is vital for maintaining healthy eyes.


Chocolates, particularly the dark ones, are rich in flavonoid, a sort of antioxidant which is good for the retina and cornea. A piece of dark chocolate twice a week won’t hurt. So go ahead and indulge yourself in the sinful goodness of chocolate.


Eggs comprise a lot of proteins. Proteins are the building blocks of our body. If you want the cellular regeneration process in your eyes to take place at a right pace, you need to supply your body with high-quality proteins. The egg yolk is surely a winner in this case.

Drink Water Stored from a Copper Vessel

Store one liter of water in a copper vessel overnight and drink it the next morning. Copper lends innumerable healing properties to the eyes and other vital organs.

Cucumber Slices

It is one of the oldest and most effective ways of eliminating those dark circles that creep like shadows on our faces. Not only do the cucumbers prevent dark circles but they also hydrate the skin to keep it looking fresh. Cucumbers are also one of the simplest eye care treatments. All you have to do is peel, slice and place fresh cucumbers on your eyes for fifteen to twenty minutes. In less than a half hour, you’re looking and feeling ready to take on the day.

Herbal Tea

You don’t necessarily have to stick to eight glasses of ice water a day though. You can always work in some herbal tea. Teas give you and your skin that extra boost to take care of business and those dark circles. By staying hydrated, your body will stay healthy, your will skin glow, and dark circles will disappear.

Green Tea Bags

Feeling a little puffy? There’s a surprising, home remedy for that. Like cucumber slices, cold tea bags can do wonders for your eyes. Instead of helping with dark circles though, placing cold tea bags on your eyes will eliminate puffiness and let you be your true self in the mirror and all day long.

Rose Water

The skin around your eyes is just a part of how you keep you looking like you. When your eyes themselves are in need of a little touch-up, don’t reach for an over the counter eye drop; restore their natural glow with rose water. Rose water has natural properties that can rejuvenate your eyes quicker than you can bat an eyelash. One or two drops, at most, can cleanse your eyes and help them sparkle.

Wash your eyes

Ayurveda says that one must avoid splashing water directly into the eyes; instead, you can use a trimorphic eyewash. To make this eyewash, soak Triphala churna in water overnight. In the morning strain the liquid and wash your eyes with it twice a day. This eyewash helps relax and relieve stress in the eyes.

Eye Exercises

Eye exercises make your eye muscles more flexible and bring energy and blood flow to the eyes to maintain optimal vision. Regular eye exercises combat eye strain and also improve focus as well as concentration.

Here are few exercises to improve your eyesight:


Hold a pencil at an arm’s length and focus on it. Slowly bring it closer to your nose and then move it farther from your vision until you can no longer keep it in focus. Repeat about 10 times a day.

Roll your eyes

Roll your eyes in the clockwise direction for a few seconds, and then roll them counter-clockwise for a few seconds. Repeat four or five times, blinking your eyes in between each set.

Blinking your eyes

Try eyelid fluttering by blinking your eyes 20 to 30 times rapidly and repeatedly, without squeezing your eyes shut. Finally, close your eyes and let them rest. You can also try palming, which is described below. Do this twice daily.


Concentrate your vision on a distant object for a while. The best way to do this without straining your eyes is to look at the moon and focus on it for three to five minutes daily.

Perform one or more of these eye exercises on a regular basis, at least for a few months, to get encouraging results.


Palming are also beneficial for eyes as these methods help reactivate and flex the eye lens and ciliary muscles.

Sunning will provide the benefit of the sun’s healing abilities and palming will promote relaxation and a sense of well-being. According to Chinese culture, the sun contains vital life energies that are critical to the health of the eyes as well as the overall body.
  • For sunning, allow the sun to shine directly on your closed eyelids while breathing deeply. Do this once daily for a few minutes, followed by palming.
  • For palming, rub your palms together to generate heat and then gently cup your palms over your closed eyes without applying pressure on the eyes. Make sure to cover your eyes completely so there is no trace of light. Do this several times daily while visualizing a pleasant scene.

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