Saturday, December 23, 2017

Treatment of Measles at Home : Top 10 Natural and Simple Remedies

Measles is the most common disease among small children, it is a highly contagious viral disease caused by the paramyxovirus. It spreads through physical contact, coughing, sneezing and contact with the nasal and throat secretions of an infected person. The symptoms of measles start appearing 10 to 14 days after the virus infects a person.

Symptoms of measles are a dry cough, high fever, body aches, watery eyes, loss of appetite, runny nose and a rash. If the signs of measles occur in your child, the first thing to do is see your doctor. Consulting a physician helps to alleviate symptoms of the disease and to avoid potential complications.

Although there is no specific medicine that kills the measles virus. But you can minimize the complications and alleviate effect, try some simple home remedies.

1. Neem Leaves

Neem, leaves has antibacterial and anti-allergenic properties, and hence it can be very helpful in relieving itching that often occurs with the rash.

Grind a handful of fresh neem leaves into a paste. Apply the paste to the affected skin area. Let it dry on its own and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Do this once daily for two weeks.

2. Bitter Gourd

Bitter gourd has strong antioxidant properties that help combat various symptoms of measles. Also, it has vitamin C, zinc, iron, potassium and dietary fibre, which are required to boost immunity and speed up the healing process.

Extract the juice from one fresh bitter gourd. Mix 1 tbsp of bitter gourd juice with one teaspoon of honey and one-half teaspoon of turmeric powder. Take this mixture twice a day for 2-3 weeks.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric has antiseptic as well as antioxidant properties, and hence it is very effective in reducing the symptoms of measles.
Add 1 tbsp each of turmeric powder and honey to a glass of lukewarm milk. Drink it twice daily for a month. Mix one-half teaspoon of turmeric and a few drops each of honey and bitter gourd juice. Consume the mixture at least once a day for about a month.

4. Coconut Water

Coconut water has several nutrients that help cleanse the body of toxic elements. It is also rich in antioxidants that help promote a speedy recovery from measles.

Drink plenty of coconut water daily when suffering from measles until you recover completely. This will keep the body hydrated and also save you from developing fatigue due to loss of energy.

5. Saffron Tea

Just boil a cup of water and add 10-20 threads of saffron to it. Steep it for 15 minutes. Strain and drink it. It cleanses the body toxins. Moreover, you can add fresh mint, cardamom, honey, lime, ginger, green tea leaves, and orange blossoms to give a unique taste to the saffron tea.

6. Oatmeal

Take 1 to 2 cups of raw oatmeal and add it to the bathing water. Soak it for a short while. Then bathe in this water. This natural cure will definitely provide relief from the skin rashes and itchiness caused due to measles.

7. Margosa Leaves

Margosa leaves contain antiviral and antiseptic properties, which are effective in treating measles. Margosa leaves can be added to hot bathing water to relieve the patient of itching that comes with the rash. The patient should be immersed in the water for at least 20 minutes, for better results.

8. Amla

Amla powder mixed with water is very effective in getting rid of itching and burning sensation during measles. It can be used to wash the body.

9. Orange Juice

Orange is an excellent natural cure for measles. As the patient will feel a loss of appetite and the lack of saliva in his tongue, often the patient does not feel thirsty or hungry. Orange juice makes good for this loss of appetite.

10. Sandalwood

The healing properties and soothing fragrance of sandalwood paste are excellent for skin rashes caused by measles. It is packed with antiseptic and antiviral features, which prevent further infections. Make a paste from its powder and apply on the affected skin.

  • Measles patient must be kept in isolation, for the disease is infectious and should be given complete rest, which will facilitate a speedy recovery.
  • Avoid sunlight as it may cause watery eyes since measles damages the eye tissues. However, use sunglasses if you go out in the daytime.
  • The patient can be given lots of warm water to drink, as this flushes the toxins out of the system. For better results, drink them in the mornings on empty stomach and in the evenings.
  • Gradually, the patient can start eating fruits and well-balanced diet, which includes lots of green vegetables and fruits, to boost the immune system.
  • Avoid sunlight as measles damages eye tissues which result in watery eyes.
  • Avoid milk, milk products, as they may worsen the condition. If the child is heavily dependent on milk, limit the intake.

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