Friday, December 22, 2017

How to Stop Hiccups? 10 Effective Home Remedies

A hiccup is when there is a sudden contraction of the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles which are located between the ribs. This spasm collides with the closed larynx and causes the hiccup sound and slight jerk.

Generally, hiccups last only a few minutes in peoples. Rarely, hiccups may persist for hours. Usually, the sound of a hiccup is the only sign. However, at times one can experience a slight tightening sensation in the chest, abdomen or throat.

Hiccups can be annoying and embarrassing when in public. In general, about of hiccups will go away without any treatment.

Here are few home remedies that can help stop hiccups.

1. Hold Your Breath

Holding breath is an age-old cure for hiccups. It increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream, which distracts the mind and stops the cycle of hiccups.

Take a deep breath and hold it for as long as you can without letting any air out. Exhale gently in a controlled manner. Inhale and hold your breath again. Repeat this for several times until the hiccups stop.

2. Cold Water

You can shock your system with cold water to stop hiccups. Any kind of shock will cause distraction and will help put your hiccups to rest.

Quickly drink a glass of cold water with honey in it and your hiccups will go away immediately or you can gargle with cold water for 1 minute to keep hiccups at bay.

3. Bend Down and Drink

Another great way to get rid of hiccups is by bending down from your waist and drinking water from a cup on kept on the floor through a straw. It's known to ease the diaphragm.

4. Sugar

Sugar is a great home remedy for hiccups, especially for small children who cannot effectively complete the two remedies described above. Swallowing sugar stimulates the vagus nerve and makes the body forget all about the hiccups.

Fill 1 tbsp with white or brown sugar. Hold the spoon in your mouth for 5 seconds. Allow the sugar to dissolve slowly without chewing it, take a sip of water and the hiccups will stop.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an effective home remedy to stop hiccups. Its sour taste helps distract the mind, which helps stop the hiccups.

Swallow 1/2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar, followed by a glass of water. Another option is to mix 1 tbsp of ACV with a little water. Swallow it slowly and the hiccups will stop.

6. Cardamom

Cardamom powder helps to relax the muscles of the diaphragm. One of the best ways to cure hiccups, this remedy works by flushing out excess alcohol from the system, relaxing the diaphragm muscles further.

Boil 1 tbsp freshly ground cardamom powder in 1.5 cup water over low heat. Allow the liquid to cool and strain. Drink the resulting filtrate.

7. Peanut Butter

While trying to eat the peanut butter, your breathing patterns are altered putting an end to those hiccups. This is definitely the yummiest of all the remedies.

Simply eat 1 tbsp peanut butter. You can also use almond butter or even chocolate spread.

8. Lemon

The sour taste of lemon helps to saturate the mouth and the digestive tract. It stimulates the nerves that are causing the spasm.

Sprinkle some sugar on the lemon wedge and bite into this.

9. Ginger

Ginger is an excellent remedy to get rid of the annoying hiccups. Its anti-inflammatory properties will relax the diaphragm muscle. Ginger is also good for hiccups caused by indigestion.

Take 2-3 small pieces of ginger and place them in your mouth. Suck on these pieces for a few minutes.

10. Hing

Though asafoetida, also known as ‘hing’ sounds like an unconventional remedy, it is a powerful agent that relaxes the muscles of the diaphragm. It is extremely potent and works really fast to provide rapid relief from hiccups.

Add the asafoetida to the butter and mix well. Swallow this mixture and use this remedy as and when required.

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